Immortal Divinity (Lyrics)

This translation is unofficial and may not be representative of the original work.

Track nameImmortal Divinity
Artistアメディオ feat. 葉月ゆら, 葉月ゆら×Seraph
Released2020-10-24 (M3-46)
Official site


幼くて見た 天使の羽根を
今も何処かで 探し続けているでしょう

osanakute mita tenshi no hane wo
ima mo doko ka de sagashi tsuzuketeiru deshou

Those angel’s wings I saw when I was young
I’m still searching for them somewhere, aren’t I?

焼き付ける 麗しの烙印あかし 「証」
贄と定められた 孤独の中で

yakitsukeru uruwashi no akashi
nie to sadamerareta kodoku no naka de

Burned into my heart, a beautiful seal (the “proof”)
Destined as a sacrifice, in the midst of loneliness

「貴方はもう 神に愛されない」
笑う世界が Ah… 胸を切り裂く

anata wa mou kami ni aisarenai
warau sekai ga aa mune wo kirisaku

“You are no longer loved by God”
The sneering world, rends my heart to pieces

閉ざされた夜明け 儚くて消える
薔薇に身を埋めて 願うのは 自由を・・・

tozasareta yoake hakanakute kieru
bara ni mi wo uzumete negau no wa jiyuu wo

The dawn being consumed, fades away fleetingly
Burying myself in roses, what I wish for is freedom

こぼれゆく涙 花びらの雫

koboreyuku namida hanabira no shizuku
kagami no mukou e to sasayaita
hoshi no michibiki wo

Tears spilling down, drops on flower petals
Whispered beyond the mirror
“Guidance of the stars”

月蝕つきはみの夜 幽閉(箱庭)の城
誰も知らない “私は生きているのか?”

tsukihami no yoru hakoniwa no shiro
daremo shiranai watashi wa ikiteiru noka

On the night of the lunar eclipse, in the castle of confinement (miniature garden)
Unbeknownst to no one, “Am I really alive?”

ひび割れた 楽園の扉
人は逃れられぬ 終焉(おわり)が来ると

hibawareta rakuen no tobira
hito wa nogarerenu owari ga kuru to

Damaged, are the gates to paradise
Humanity cannot escape, the end will come

「深い眠り 呼び覚ますのは 誰?」
歌声はただ Ah… 繭を切り裂く

fukai nemuri yobisamasu no wa dare
utagoe wa tada aa mayu wo kirisaku

“Who is it that awakens me from this deep slumber?”
The singing voice alone, slices through the cocoon

“触れないで、そこに” 「触れたいの、強く」
夜想やそう 振りかざして 差し出せば 心を・・・

furenaide soko ni furetai no tsuyoku
yasou furikazashite sashidaseba kokoro wo

“Don’t touch it there..” “I want to touch it, strongly”
Nocturne, brandished, if offered, the heart…

燃え上がる炎 「気づいて 私に」
歪んだ岸辺へと 降り立つの

moeagaru honou kizuite watashi ni
yuganda kishibe e to oritatsu no
kara no tobitatte

Rising flames, “notice me”
Descending to the twisted shore
Breaking free from my shell

溢れ出す闇は 誰よりも赤く
贄は邪神(かみ)となりて いざなうの 破滅を・・・

afuredasu yami wa dare yorimo akaku
nie wa kami tonari de izanau no hametsu wo

The overflowing darkness, redder than anyone else
The sacrifice becomes a dark god, beckoning towards destruction

蠢いた瞳 「かしずく 世界よ」

ugomeita hitomi kashizuku sekai yo
osoreru mono tachi wo tsumitotte
amai kuchizuke wo

In the flickering eyes, “O world that kneels”
Pluck away those who fear
“With a sweet kiss”